ICONS helps government agencies plan in a rapidly changing environment.

Scenario planning has long been a critical tool for leaders overseeing agencies and institutions of all sizes, where current events can impact key missions and drive the future of the organization. Whether it's testing response strategies to environmental pressures or trying to anticipate the long-term impact of different budget priorities, ICONS can help frame the problem in the most effective way to get useful answers.
ICONS specializes in simulations that examine the key dilemmas in planning for difficult future scenarios — exploring both known challenges, and the unforeseen ones that arise in the course of the exercise. The Project's simulation developers have designed scenarios to support a variety of highly specialized policy and planning dilemmas for clients.
An ICONS simulation is completely unique and tailored exactly to the needs of the client. ICONS consults with top issue area experts during the preparation of any policy exercise, and the use of tools like ICONSnet, our online simulation platform, allows for easy and sophisticated examination of the outcomes of any simulation.
Please contact us to discuss how a tailored ICONS simulation can support your planning needs.