Customized wargames. Expert access.

Wargaming and Red Teaming are highly specialized forms of the kind of human-driven, scenario-based simulation ICONS specializes in. ICONS has designed and run wargames and Red Teaming exercises for many parts of the U.S. national security establishment, including the Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, most of the Combatant Commands, and many other service and component commands, as well as the National Counterterrorism Center, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of State. ICONS has also been privileged to support a number of Track II dialogue projects with partners in the think tank community.
ICONS' position outside of government in a major academic research institution allows us to deliver wargames with a degree of impartiality, and access to high-level, expert, regional participants in a way that is sometimes difficult for internal USG exercises to accomplish. The ICONS team prides itself on identifying and recruiting the most effective, knowledgeable, and authentic red teamers, and on engaging the highest level of current and former government decision makers in our games.
ICONS specializes in political-military gaming focused on crisis management, understanding adversary decision-making, and assessing the impact of psychological operations. If you believe we can provide the right, customized exercise to support your needs, please contact us to discuss options.