U.S. Arms Transfers to Ukraine: Impact Assessment
The focus and contribution of this study is tracing the key U.S. arms transfers through different phases of the war in Ukraine and comparing their anticipated and perceived impact. While touching briefly on U.S. assistance to Ukraine after Russia's 2014 incursion into Crimea, its primary focus is on trends in assistance since Russia launched a conventional war against Ukraine in February 2022.
A Study of Crisis now available as an open access e-book
First published 25 years ago, A Study of Crisis includes data on 412 international crises and 895 foreign policy crises for individual states for the period 1918 to 1994. Now this comprehensive work is freely available as an open access e-book to scholars, students, and members of the policy community for insights into the onset, escalation, de-escalation, and resolution of crises in the international system.
Escalation Management in the Gray Zone
This project investigates and compares the effectiveness of analytic and operational planning tools available to U.S. decision makers to shape adversary behavior in managing escalation in gray zone crises involving other great powers and/or their proxies.