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Flexible. Participant driven. Engaging.
Each ICONS simulation is designed to be flexible, participant-driven, and engaging. Our online simulation platform, ICONSnet, provides tools to help students and faculty actively participate in every phase of a simulation.
Three simulation phases
All ICONS simulations involve three phases:
Preparation Negotiation Debrief
PHASE 1: Preparation
Preparation is key to creating a valuable simulation experience. Students learn about the issues presented in their simulation and prepare to engage in a negotiation from the perspective of their assigned role.
During this phase, the participants:
- Read background resources in ICONSnet, including a scenario document with information about the negotiation's setting, actors, and issues;
- Become familiar with their role's interests using either a role-specific background sheet or ICONS' online research library;
- Collaborate with teammates to complete pre-negotiation assignments, such as a position paper or strategy plan.
PHASE 2: Negotiation
After learning about the issues and their roles, all participants meet "in character" in ICONSnet to negotiate and work toward solutions to the issues and problems set before them.
During this phase, the participants:
- Communicate, negotiate, and collaborate with other teams through the simulation's messaging and conferencing features.
- Receive updates and information from "Simcon", the simulation facilitator role played by the instructor.
- Use additional tools, like proposal-building or voting features, as part of the simulation activities. (Each simulation uses a different set of features. See ICONSnet tour for a list of all available tools).
PHASE 3: Debrief
After completing the online negotiation portion of the simulation, students step out of their roles and begin debriefing. Debriefing is a valuable, and essential, phase of the simulation.
During this phase, the participants:
- Engage in team and whole class discussion about the simulation experience, applying it to course objectives.
- Use simulation transcripts and activity records to aid in their individual reflection and analysis.
- Complete post-simulation assignments to help identify lessons learned.
See it in action
Ready to use an ICONS simulation with your class? Visit the ICONS simulation catalog to view available simulations or read through our guide to selecting a simulation for more information on finding the right simulation for you.