Navigate the nuances of international trade negotiations. Playing the roles of World Trade Organization country delegations, students in this simulation attempt to craft an agreement that liberalizes the trade of environmental goods.
Recognizing that the Doha Round has not generated the tangible results initially hoped for, nine member countries come together in a Special Working Group to negotiate an Environmental Goods Agreement on the trade of products designed to help combat environmental problems. Despite a common goal of trade liberalization, varied national interests and the challenge of reaching consensus on the details of such an agreement threaten to stall progress. Great for courses in international organizations, international trade, international political economy, and environmental issues!
The nine roles in the Special Working Group represent a range of developed and developing countries. A scenario is provided along with a private role sheet to give students additional information about their assigned role's positions and interests. This simulation includes an opportunity for students to develop, debate, and vote on specific proposal plans to address the issues in the scenario. Students build proposal plans using a series of pre-loaded options.
- One or more Internet-connected computers or devices per team. (Optimized for desktop and laptop computers.)
- Up-to-date web browser. (Internet Explorer is not supported.)
- JavaScript and pop-up windows must be enabled. (Check your browser settings.)
- No plug-ins or additional software required.
- 9 roles
- Role sheets included
- Teams of 2 - 4 students per role (recommended)
- Flexible; set by instructor
- Resources
- Messages
- Conferences
- Proposal Center